From a farm you can actually visit, we make our Certified Naturally Grown Lavender Products and Bob's Red Mill Sponsored Lavender Cooking School and Test kitchen
English and French Lavender inspired goodies with LOVENDER.
Featured on Good Morning Arizona, AZ Family, Arizona Highways Magazine, Travel and Leisure Magazine, PHOENIX Magazine, and in an Arizona Office of Tourism Emmy winning movie about our Lavender Culinary Success called, "Meet The Makers" we bring the farm crafted tastes and aromas of lavender into everyday homes and kitchens.
We call it LOVENDER, you will call our products Amazing!
Featured Products
Our farm crafted products are made with pure essential oil. No artificial fragrances here!
As Featured In

We grow three distinct varieties of lavender on the farm: Royal Velvet, Provence, and Grosso. Both Royal Velvet and Provence are considered culinary lavenders, and are world renowned for their flavor and herbal qualities. Provence is generally used in savory dishes like chicken, pasta sauces, and anything in which you might use rosemary. Royal Velvet has a sweeter profile and is mostly used in confectioneries and baking. Grosso is not for cooking, but is, perhaps, the most aromatic lavender in the world, making it the perfect lavender for making essential oils, sachets, and bouquets.
Cooking & Baking School

Sponsored by Bob's Red Mill using their amazing line of baking products and VitaMix ---the secret to many of our fine products!
Everything you need to know about cooking and baking with Lavender! Hands on classes include how to make yummy LAVENDER lemon cakes, our most requested Lavender Cinnamon Rolls or Lavender Honey Sticky Chicken and more.
Join our popular Lavender SPA DAY class for our secrets to making great lavender spa products like bath bombs and soaks and relaxing massage oils.
We announce classes on Instagram and Facebook@ Pinelavenderfarm as soon as the school opens each season (usually in March). In the meantime if you would like FREE lavender recipes, subscribe to the website for lavender recipes and treats to make!
About The Farm
Built in the early 1900s by the first homesteaders in Pine, our farm has been given new life, renovated and turned into a lovely lavender farm. The high-altitude climate, alkaline soil, and fresh mountain spring water that nourishes our plants births the highest quality lavender. Surrounded by pine-covered mountains and numerous elk herds, the setting is as serene as it is breath-taking.

Rick & Terry Vesci have poured their hearts and souls into every inch of the farm. What began in 2015 with simply a dream has turned into something more incredible than anyone could have imagined. As you walk onto the farm, you will see their dedication, their hard work, and most importantly, their love in every aspect of this beautiful place.